In any situation, we do not offer local shipping from all warehouse addresses. We offer shipping addresses in the UK ( United Kingdom), USA ( United States of America), DE (Germany), Guernsey, and JP (Japan) for international shipping. Our services are designed to facilitate overseas shipments. However, there are instances where we cannot ship items due to reasons such as dual-use products, dangerous goods, or items that are prohibited or restricted from being shipped to your country.
Q : Why don't you ship within the purchase country?
The primary reason is fraud. We have found that when we ship within the purchase country, the fraud level is extremely high. In addition, because it is only domestic shipping, the revenue is very low. As a company, this combination of low revenue and high fraud costs is unsustainable, so we have made the decision to avoid domestic shipping.
Q: Will you ship to a competitor's local address?
No, we do not ship to competitor local addresses. Our shipping services are exclusive to non-competitor destinations.
If you have further questions please contact our Customer Experience team.
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